

KC Lazarus is a Musician, Actor, and Veteran.

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New Song Out Now

There’s a “Superstar” in All of US. Check it Out!


Inspirational Hip Hop with a touch of Soul and Pop. KC’s music is full of Universal Messages that’s Encouraging, Reflective, and Embraces US ALL within our Connected Humanity.


We are all Superstars on the inside. Celebrate your uniqueness! While the glitter and glamour can be super fun. I pray we never lose sight of our maker-God and what really matters for a true quality of life.

Jamaica Queen

Love is a Universal Language. We hope this song brings back memories of someone or something meaningful in your Life!

Grass Not Greener

Sometimes the cares of life can blind us from our simple Blessings. This song is a poetic expression of survival, overcoming deception, and gratitude. You Are Enough.

KC Lazarus will be performing virtual Pop- Up Shows. Subscribe Below for instant show updates!

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